4020 N Buffalo St.
Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 662-4483
Our Guarantee
We at Savilles Country Florist know how important your message is, we've been helping you convey your messages of love with beautiful fresh flowers for over 60 years. Family owned and operated since 1952, you have trusted our expertise, attention to detail and reliability, all backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

All our gifts are arranged by experienced professional designers in shop and hand delivered by our own drivers and vehicles
We send only fresh flowers, our gifts are never boxed and shipped from one location, so there’s no risk of damage or dehydration and your gift always arrives ready to be enjoyed. We never use FedEx or any other shipping company to deliver your gift of flowers, only our own professional and reliable flower delivery.
We at Savilles Country Florist are 100% real florists. We operate out of an actual flower shop in Orchard Park, NY. Here, we do everything from receive flowers, process orders for delivery and serve all our valued clients. We’re not an order center full of customer service reps that don’t ever get to smell the roses (how sad for them!). And we’re certainly not order gatherers who skim off the top; there are no middlemen here.
When you call us, you are calling our shop, you are talking to the same friendly staff who receive fresh flowers daily, who make bouquets for our walk-in clients, who design arrangements for delivery and who serve clients in person, on the phone and online. And one more thing, We love to stop and smell the roses!
We are your Number 1 Orchard Park Florist and your Number 1 Buffalo Florist!
Savilles Country Florist specializes in creating amazing custom floral arrangements for
special events such as weddings, anniversaries, banquets, showers,
birthdays, holidays, and funerals.
Savilles Country Florist also contracts with local businesses to provide
fresh flowers and plants as office decor.
Savilles Country Florist is well known for the beautiful bouquets and custom designs
as well as Gourmet Fruit Baskets which are made fresh daily.
Saville's offers a large selection of plants, dish gardens, plush toys
and balloons for all occasions.
Same day deliveries are available throughout the Orchard Park, NY area.
Savilles Country Florist is located conveniently in the heart of
Orchard Park at 4020 N Buffalo St.
Savilles Country Florist
4020 N Buffalo St.
Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 662-4483
In October of 2010, Saville Florist of Orchard Park, NY changed its name to Savilles Country Florist. They changed their logo and relocated just down the road from the shop that they had called home for over 50 years. "Change is difficult, but sometimes it is necessary in order to reach the goals one has set for themselves and their business," says Savilles Country Florist Co-Owner, Karen Stedman Lang.
"It was a tough decision to make. When the new location became available and we saw the possibilities it provided, we decided to make the change happen."
The new location at 4020 N Buffalo St in Orchard Park, NY had been the
Christian Science Church since the mid 1950’s.
Front of building prior to purchase in early 2010
Original sign that was reused for current Saville's sign
"After the purchase, we began to remodel the building, but at the same time keep its structure
and appearance historically sound and pleasing," says Co-Owner Irene Saville Stedman.
"It's such a beautiful building that was built in the 1930’s and has a rich history in Orchard Park.
We didn't want to do anything to it that would change its beauty."
Cleared of pews, current showroom area
Summer 2010 - Rebecca and Ken
Working Hard or Hardly Working?
Dick Stedman checking in on some of the many people that worked on the
prepping for our grand opening. Alter area now retail cooler location.

Grandpa checking the height of Bryan Lang.
"You need to be this tall to use a shop-vac!"
Summer 2010
Pouring the cellar floor
Summer 2010
Cellar with new floor and plenty of open room....
Not for long!
Nice Day for some Gardening!
Getting Ready for the Grand Opening
Summer 2010
Bryan shows Grandma how to work the
new point of sale software
October 2010
The Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce
welcomes Savilles Country Florist to their new location
Grand Opening! October 2010
Owner - Irene Saville Stedman

The Design Team , aka "Cellar Dwellers"
roughing it in their temporary studio
Holiday Open House December 2010 A Saville's Tradition
Smells, Sights and Sounds of the season!
Winter Wonderland at Savilles Country Florist
December 2010
The Thistle Creek Alpacas made their first
Holiday Open House visit December 2010

Cookies, Cakes and Colors of the Season
A Wonderful time to visit Saville's!
December 2010
Coolers full of Holiday Splendor!
December 2010

"We were overjoyed with our new location but we knew that in order for our shop to
work efficiently, we had to add on" said Operations Manager Kenneth Lang.
Throughout the Winter of 2011-12, Savilles began their expansion project.

When it came to removing the trees, Irene and Karen did not have to look far.
They had family member Bill Stedman and his tree company,
Wright-Frontier WF Tree Care, Inc., do the job.
Great job by Wright Frontier!

Dick Stedman oversees the framing of the new design studio.
Winter 2011-12
New showroom going up!
Winter 2011-12
Michelle at work in the new design studio
In the Spring of 2012, the new addition was completed that included a
design studio and showroom as well as a drive-through garage.

Signature piece of new showroom, stone from front facade
of old Saville's shop was used in it's creation

Saville's commitment to being a "green" company can be seen
throughout their remodel. "When we cleared the land for our expansion,
a number of trees were removed in the process", says Karen Lang.
"We had those trees milled and the lumber from the trees was used for the walls
in our new show room as well as the design studio and also shelving throughout the shop.
Our customers love the fact that we took resources from our property and reused them", said Karen.
New walk in cooler
Co-Owner Karen Lang, Loves the new Drive-Thru Garage!
"The name and logo change was not so much about creating a new image, it was more about revitalizing the company and our brand," says Operations and Marketing manager, Kenneth Lang.
In November 2012, Saville’s added a greenhouse that brought them back to their roots
of when Irene’s father and Karen’s Grandfather, Harry Saville started the family
business in the early 1950’s with greenhouses.
"Store and vehicle sign-age as well as our presence on the Internet was
definitely lacking at the old shop. This area has been addressed with a new website,www.SavillesCountryFlorist.com, new vehicle graphics along with the purchase of a
signature vehicle, a 1961 Divco Milk Truck.
It’s definitely going to turn heads and be a great advertising tool for us.”
Ken, Karen, Rebecca, Irene, Richard & Bryan
Holiday Open House 2012